A gift voucher allows the recipient to purchase any product in the Sloveniashop online store. A voucher may be purchased just like any other item in...
A gift voucher allows the recipient to purchase any product in the Sloveniashop online store. A voucher may be purchased just like any other item in...
A gift voucher allows the recipient to purchase any product in the Sloveniashop online store. A voucher may be purchased just like any other item in...
Dimensions 112x44x200 cm
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewerly
Jena glass hand made jewerly
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Beatiful hand turned wooden fruit from different species of wood, size 5-6 cm, with the certificate art and craft.
Hand turned wooden bowl with the certificate art and craft, size 32X8X25 cm, protected with natural oil.
Hand turned wooden mortar with the certificate art and craft, size 9x5 cm, protected with natural oil.
Glazed ceramics (35x57 cm).
Different owls, each a little different in colour and shape. Rock ,(13x7) cm.
Each a little different in colour and shape. Raku, (11x7 cm).
Raku, (28x40 cm) .
Is there anything nicer than a gift for a new family, which cannot afford even one necessary, relaxing and intimate moment for themselves… A...
Glazed ceramics, (75x45 cm).
Is there anything nicer than a gift for a new family, which cannot afford even one necessary, relaxing and intimate moment for themselves… A...
Hand turned wooden globe from different species of wood, size 23cm.
under development
under development
under development
under development
under development
under development
under development
under development
under development
Gift voucher includes accommodation with breakfast for two persons in double room and welcome drink.
Funny gift. Imitation of the coin with the image and text of your choice. The material has a mirror effect. Frame size 20x30 cm.
Filmstrip with pictures from your life. Frame size is 20x30 cm.
Imitation of golden gramophone record with the text of your choice.
Hollywood stars of the famous people.
Below the picture of Jesus add picture and text of your choice. The material has a mirror effect. Frame size 20x30cm.
Wedding picture in the golden heart. Material with glass effect. Frame Size 20x30 cm.
Acrylic tray with laser engraving design and text. Size 23x33 cm.
Unique, handmade jewelry from acollection Turquise Dreams. Lenght of the pendant's cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Lenght: 4,5 cm: Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from a collection Violet Elegance. Lenght of a bracelet: the bracelet is adjustable. A bracelet has a securiti...
Unique, handmade jewelry from a collection Red Passion. Lenght of a bracelet: the bracelet is adjustable. A bracelet has a security...
Unique, handmade ring from a collection Violet Elegance. Measures of a ring: Lenght: 3,2 cm; Width: 2,2 cm. A ring is adjustable. Material: Fimo...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,2cm; Width: 2,6...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,4 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 2,8 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 4,4 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,2 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 4,2 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,2cm; Width: 3,2...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,2 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,6 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,4 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 3,0 cm; Width:...
Unique, handmade jewelry from the newest collection Scent of a Man. Lenght of a cord: by request. Measures of a pendant: Height: 2,9 cm; Width:...
Pomen: povečuje intuicijo, komunikacijo, prinaša mir, aktivira kreativne in umetnostne lastnosti. Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno ovit v...
Pomen: odpira vrata do čustev,vpliva na jasnost misli in daje pogum, ter tako prinese radost in veselje, umirja živčno napetost, harmonizira...
Pomen: povečuje sposobnost razumevanja in čustvenost, vpliva na prebavo, vitalnost, pomaga k razumevanjue, prizemljenosti. Kristali so ličnih...
Pomen: spodbuja veselje, odprtost, prebuja mir, odpuščanje, razkraja negativnosti, krepi pozitivno energijo. Kristali so ličnih velikosti,...
Pomen: odpira čustvene blokade, pomaga pri fizični in psihični izčrpanosti, jača vitalnost, spodbuja gibanje, čisti in...
Pomen: ljubezen, harmonija, življenska moč, svoboda, samozaupanje, kreativnost... Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno oviti v posrebreno...
Pomen: vpliva na ustvarjalnost, čustva, povišuje zavedanje, prebuja ljubezen do samega sebe, radosti življenja. Kristali so ličnih velikosti,...
Pomen: krepi samozavest, ščiti pred stresi, vzbuja optimizem, prinaša blaginjo, izvirnost, vodstvo.. Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno...
Pomen: daje občutek varnosti, harmonizira, veča samozavest, vliva vero, spodbuja gibanje. Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno oviti v...
Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja. Velikost 30x40.
Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja. Velikost 40x60.
Akvarel, papir. Brez okvirja. Velikost 50x35.
Akril na papirju. Brez okvirja. Velikost 50x70.
Arkil na platnu. Velikost 100x120. Brez okvirja.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 70x90. Brez okvirja.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 40x100. Brez okvirja.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 40x90. Brez okvirja.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 70x50. Brez okvirja.
Aril na platnu. Velikost 20x30. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 100x80. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 100x70. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 40x60. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 40x60. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 80x100. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 40x60. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Velikost 40x50. Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja.
Vse lesene ploščice so na zalogi oz. se delajo po tematskem naročilu. Rok dobave: - če je na zalogi 3 dni - drugače 1 teden Popust pri...
Vse keramične ploščice so na zalogi oz. se delajo po tematskem naročilu. Opomba: po oddanem naročilu vas bomo kontaktirali za izbran motiv
Vse voščilnice so na zalogi oz. se delajo po tematskem naročilu. Ročno delo. Po naročilu se lahko izdelajo tudi različna (tematska) vabila,...
Graviranje po naročilu. Opomba: po oddanem naročilu vas bomo kontaktirali za izbran motiv graviranja
Mirror with wooden frame, hand painted with acrylic paint and treated with napkin technique. Dimensions 26cm x 26cm.
3D wooden plate with accessories. Dimensions: 50cm x 26 cm.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 20x30cm.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 20x40cm.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 20x30cm.
Akril na platnu. Velikost 40x40cm.
Key ring with light for a gift. Size: 6,8 x 1,6 cm
Pen with laser for a gift. Size: 18,5 x 3,7 x 2,1 cm
Gift box nature. Size: 12 x 5,4 x 14,5 cm
Gift bag nature Size: 14 x 13 x 18 cm.
Yankee Candle
Hand turned wooden bowl, size 23x12cm
Kitchen cutting board, size 40x27cm.
Hand turned wooden bowl with the certificate art and craft, size 21x17x9cm
Hand turned wooden bowl, size 27x18x10cm
Hammock La Siesta.
The greatest sports car engine sounds - in your own car Imagine starting up your standard car and the interior is filled with the thrilling engine...
Hammock La Siesta Carolina
Sleeping mask Daydreams red
Sleeping masks, owls
Sleeping mask with Aloe Vera
Lambie travel pillow
Photo frame Dimension: 8,5x10 cm, photo 5x5 cm
Hammock chair modesta
Universal rope for hammock chair
Universal rope for hammock
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Gift voucher - 20 EUR
SoundRacer, racing sound for your car
Different owls