Glazed ceramics, (75x45 cm).
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
A gift voucher allows the recipient to purchase any product in the Sloveniashop online store. A voucher may be purchased just like any other item in...
Beatiful hand turned wooden fruit from different species of wood, size 5-6 cm, with the certificate art and craft.
Akril na platnu. Brez okvirja. Velikost 40x60.
Pomen: povečuje intuicijo, komunikacijo, prinaša mir, aktivira kreativne in umetnostne lastnosti. Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno ovit v...
Pomen: odpira vrata do čustev,vpliva na jasnost misli in daje pogum, ter tako prinese radost in veselje, umirja živčno napetost, harmonizira...
under development
Wedding picture in the golden heart. Material with glass effect. Frame Size 20x30 cm.
Pomen: ljubezen, harmonija, življenska moč, svoboda, samozaupanje, kreativnost... Kristali so ličnih velikosti, ročno oviti v posrebreno...
Dimensions: 80x30x80 cm
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SoundRacer, racing sound for your car
Different owls
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