31,08 €
31,08 €
0.00 €
in stock
Oblikovanje stekla, Izlakar-Germ Matko s.p.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewelry.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewelry.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Jena glass hand made jewerly.
Pomen: odpira vrata do čustev,vpliva na jasnost misli in daje pogum, ter tako prinese radost in veselje, umirja živčno napetost, harmonizira...
Pomen: spodbuja veselje, odprtost, prebuja mir, odpuščanje, razkraja negativnosti, krepi pozitivno energijo. Kristali so ličnih velikosti,...
Pomen: vpliva na ustvarjalnost, čustva, povišuje zavedanje, prebuja ljubezen do samega sebe, radosti življenja. Kristali so ličnih velikosti,...
Unique handmade necklace made from a variety of beautiful fashion items. Length: 65 cm
Unique, handmade necklace from the newest collection Scent of Spring. Lenght of a necklace: by request Material: Fimo and Cernit clay. All...
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Pendants OB-05 price/1pcs
Pendants SRO-1V price/1pcs.
Earrings UH-10 price/1 pair
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